Sunday, September 11, 2016

YouTube Videos

The first video is a compilation of different commercials that are commonly seen on TV that portray the stereotypical gender role for women.  The women in all of these ads are portrayed as the home-keeper and are shown advertising many different cleaning products.  The target audience is clearly middle class women and it effectively reaches this audience.  These advertisements are found on virtually all TV channels, and sometimes play before other videos on YouTube.  I’ve always known that a majority of these commercials feature women, but I have realized that almost all, if not all, of these commercials do in fact use the same template.  In this video, companies are using the idea of a gender-based stereotype to sell a product, by marketing it to women.  This is based on the idea that women usually stay in the home and do the domestic chores that require these products, such as cleaning and cooking.  These products are not even “gendered products;” for example, they are not tampons.  Anyone could use paper towels or a broom, but they are still marketed towards women.  Compared to the second video, typical gender norms can be clearly seen and noted by the viewer.

The second video was created for entertainment purposes as it clearly shows a woman dominating a typically-male skill.  I believe the target audience to actually be men as they’re the ones most likely to be entertained by a woman who can throw a football better than most of them.  While reading the comments, I noticed that many of them were written by men talking about her body.  This shows that even when women are amazing at something, they are still being sexualized while their skill is ignored.  Because this video defies the stereotypical gender norms, I believe the role of gender should not be included because it does not matter.  She doesn’t “throw great for a girl,” she throws great period.  With the recent event of the Olympics, this quickly reminded me of the Hungarian swimmer, Katinka Hosszu.  After she competed in her swimming event, the main topic of conversation was not her great achievements, but rather her husband’s reaction and how he was her coach.  While his reaction was funny and genuine, the media decided to focus on his efforts as her coach, rather than Hosszu’s accomplishments.  These situations are not uncommon; there are many events like these throughout history where a woman’s achievements have been overshadowed by men.

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